I am still learning Pharo, but it is a bit confusing. There two classes, CarRental
and Car
, and a Test
class, CarRentalTest
There are fixed number of cars, the same car cannot be rented twice, I have the code, but there is a mistake.
| carRental redPanda yellowPanda blackTesla |
carRental := CarRental new.
redPanda := Car panda.
yellowPanda := Car panda.
blackTesla := Car tesla.
addCar: redPanda;
addCar: yellowPanda;
addCar: blackTesla.
self assert: carRental availableCars size equals: 3.
carRental rent: redPanda days: 5.
self assert: carRental availableCars size equals: 2.
self assert: carRental rentedCars size equals: 1
I tried to initialize the availableCars
and rentedCard
methods, but there is still an issue.
You need to keep track of rented cars, right? To do that add the ivar rented
to the CarRental
class and initialize it to an empty collection:
rented := OrderedCollection new.
(in other words, include the line above in the #initialize
method - instance side.)
Now, every time you rent a car add it to the rented
rent: aCar
rented add: aCar
and when the car is returned
return: aCar
rented remove: aCar
Also you can add the getter method which was missing so far
and compute the cars available for rent as
^cars copyWithoutAll: rented