I would like to centralize similar actions of some controllers and wrote a controller from which the other controllers inherites. This works fine.
# calling Configurations#index will render configurations/index.html.erb
# while 'configurations' being the internal controller_path used to look for the view
class ConfigurationsController < EditorController
class EditorController < ApplicationController
def index
render 'index'
But now I would like to centralise the views to the "base"-controller one's, so if an inheriting controller is called, the controller_path used should be the base-controller one's.
Is there a way, to rewrite a controllers name or controller_path?
I looked at the source of AbstractController::Base and found that (line 90)
def controller_path
@controller_path ||= name.sub(/Controller$/, '').underscore unless anonymous?
So I just need to set @controller_path from my base-controller don't I ? This doesn't change anything:
#just does the same as above
class EditorController < ApplicationController
@controller_path = 'editor'
def index
render 'index'
So is there a way to set the controller_path manually?
great thanks in advance!
damn I found it on my own!
I just overwrote the controller_path method:
class EditorController < ApplicationController
def controller_path
this will ever use the view-folder 'editor' for any inheriting controller.