I am getting an exception when I try to add a source to a Mapbox map on Android even if I delete every source with the same name before.
I have tries to delete source then layer or layer then source and nothing worked.
if (map != null){
String layerName = floor.getLayerName();
//Remove source and layer if already selected
map.removeSource(SOURCE); //SOURCE IS A CONST
RasterSource resource = new RasterSource(SOURCE,new TileSet("tileset",url+layerName));
RasterLayer webMapLayer = new RasterLayer(layerName,SOURCE);
map.addLayerBelow(webMapLayer, "com.mapbox.annotations.points");
poisViewModel.refreshPoisByName(building.getId(), floor.getId(), "");
I am getting:
com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.style.sources.CannotAddSourceException: Source floor_map_source already exists. floor_map_source is the value of SOURCE.
I found the issue, Actually, the layerName I was using was different and that prevent source deletion. I had to add the name of the old layer and delete it before setting the new layer.