So I want to use the tabular parameter feature from jBehave, but from some reason only the first column is taken into consideration.
Given I login using the users $userTable
|url |userRole |
|http://localhost:3000 |Administrator |
|http://localhost:3000 |User |
@Given("I login using the users $userTable")
public void givenUrlIsAccessedUsingTable
(@Named("userTable")ExamplesTable userTable) {
List<Map<String, String>> rows = userTable.getRows();
for (Map<String, String> row : rows) {
setupPreconditions(row.get("url"), row.get("userRole"));
The user column is not there.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong?
Please check the first ':' is missing symbol
@Given("I login using the users: $userTable")
The second Given I login using the users:
nothing here because the table under the statement is for that purpose
Given I login using the users:
|url |userRole |
|http://localhost:3000 |Administrator |
|http://localhost:3000 |User |
If you are using intellij idea I suggest to use
for formatting
One more thing: naming for tha I suggest like Given users for logging: