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Flutter Haptic Feedback On Long Press

How are we supposed to cause haptic feedback on long press using Flutter HapticFeedback class?

I am currently working with HapticFeedback.selectionClick() during my OnTapDown method, but nothing is happening.

I have also already added the vibrate permission in the android manifest file. I am using a Pixel2 XL device for testing.


  • You can use vibrate plugin for that.
    Add this dependency in your pubspec.yaml file

    vibrate: ^0.0.4  

    Use this function in your class for vibration

    void vibrate() async {
        bool canVibrate = await Vibrate.canVibrate;
        canVibrate ? : null;

    And call the above function from your widget when the onLongPress event is triggred

     onLongPress: () {

    More about vibrate plugin.
    Hope it helps.