Search code examples

Catia: 2D Points to 3D Points

I have a Catia part where I have a few sketches on different planes. I need to be able to convert these sketches into 3D points which I copy to a new part document. I have tried to use the Search and Selection commands in VB script in order to use a macro to pick up all the 2D points in my sketch and convert them to 3D points but to no avail.

Sub CATMain()

Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection


Msgbox “Please select parts to join.”

sStatus = oSel.SelectElement3(strArray, “Select parts”, False, CATMultiSelTriggWhenUserValidatesSelection, false)

iCount = oSel.Count

For i= 1 to iCount

Set myObject2 = oSel.Item(i).value

oSel.Search “Name=Point,sel”

ReDim copies(iCount)

For k=1 to iCount
Set copies(k)=oSel.Item(k).Value
oSel.Add copies(k)

Next ‘k
Next ‘i

Set part2 = CATIA.Documents.Add(“CATPart”)

part2.Product.PartNumber = “My New Part”

Dim GSet1 As HybridBody
Set GSet1 = part2.Part.HybridBodies.Item(1)
GSet1.Name = “My Geometry”

Set partDocument2= CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim ActSel As Selection
Set ActSel=partDocument2.Selection
ActSel.Add GSet1

ActSel.PasteSpecial(“CATPrtResultWithOutLink” )


End Sub


  • You have to disassemble the sketch to get at the points as something you can copy

    The disassemble command is exposed in VB via the HybridShapeFactory.AddNewDatums method.

    Option Explicit
    Sub CATMain()
    Dim oPart As part
    Set oPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.part
    Dim oHSF As HybridShapeFactory
    Set oHSF = oPart.HybridShapeFactory
    Dim sx As Sketch
    Set sx = oPart.HybridBodies.item("Geometrical Set.1").HybridSketches.item("Sketch.1")
    'make a temporary body
    Dim targetGS As HybridBody
    Set targetGS = oPart.HybridBodies.add = "TMP_BODY___DELETE_ME"
    'create a datum curve from the sketch
    Dim sxRef As Reference
    Set sxRef = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(sx)
    'make a zero-translate from the sketch
    'This is required because AddNewDatums functions needs a HybridShape feature
    Dim oZero As HybridShapeTranslate
    Set oZero = oHSF.AddNewTranslate(sxRef, oHSF.AddNewDirectionByCoord(0#, 0#, 1#), 0#)
    Call targetGS.AppendHybridShape(oZero)
    Call oPart.UpdateObject(oZero)
    'now do the disassembly    
    Dim oZeroRef As Reference
    Set oZeroRef = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oZero)
    'un-datum the curve by making a zero translate
        Dim domains() As Variant
        domains = oHSF.AddNewDatums(oZeroRef)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To UBound(domains)
            Call targetGS.AppendHybridShape(domains(i))
        Call oPart.Update
    'now we can copy the resulting points...
        Dim oSel As Selection
        Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
        Call oSel.add(targetGS)
        Call oSel.Search("'Generative Shape Design'.Point,sel")
        'copy paste into the new part
      MsgBox ("There are " & oSel.count & " points ready to copy")
        'delete the temporary geo set
        Call oHSF.DeleteObjectForDatum(oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(targetGS))
    End Sub