I'd like to be able to make a MVC route that has both an action and the ID at the same level.
Example: If a call is made to
then the action GetMyData is called
If the call is made to
and no action is found with this name its assumed that "dfeTD53F" is an ID controller F should be called with that ID.
Is this possible and how?
Is this just bad application design?
Right now I have routes to all specific actions under F in my route.config, and that'll propably get quite messy in time.
My solution to this was creating a "catch all" route (as the final entry) and then handle it manually in the controller.
name: "CatchAll",
url: "{*url}",
defaults: new { controller = "CatchAll", action = "Index" }
Its not an elegant solution, but well.. MVC routing isnt elegant to begin with.