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Using Virtual Scroll in Angular Material 2 Table with @angular/cdk-experimental

I have a table displays so many rows, I want to optimize the performance of it. I've found a solution by using Virtual Scroll technique. Here is an example of Angular Material CDK Vritual Scroll Viewport Component with a simple div I've found:

<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport class="list-container lg" [itemSize]="52.5">
  <div *cdkVirtualFor="let state of statesObservable | async;" class="list-group-item">
     <div class="state">{{}}</div>
     <div class="capital">{{}}</div>

However, I want to integrate it with Angular Material Table like below

<table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource">
    <ng-container  *ngFor="let c of displayedColumns" [matColumnDef]="c">
      <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>{{getTitle(c)}}</th>
      <td mat-cell style="white-space: pre-wrap;" *matCellDef="let element"> {{element[c]}}</td>
    <tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns"></tr>
    <tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;"></tr>

I was wondering how to wrap that cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport to mat-table. My table displays up to 1000 rows and more than 20 columns, and the performance is pretty slow while it's loading and scrolling.

PS: I know that it can be solved by using Paginator, but I don't want to do that.


  1. "@angular/material": "^6.2.0"
  2. @angular/cdk": "^6.2.0"
  3. @angular/cdk-experimental": "^6.2.1"
  4. "@angular/core": "6.0.3"
  5. "@angular/cli": "6.0.7"


  • It's not supported yet. But some people have tried to do some POC's. Here is one .

    Also in this issue there is discussion about virtual scrolling and how the above POC works.