I am using internal ADC temp sensor , in a low power device without the sensor in stop mode ,the uController consumes around 4 uA but when the temp sensor is on the consumption goes up to 8-9 uA the problem is i can not turn the sensor OFF / i just measured the off current by setting it off from start by stmcube
i am searching for a code that can turn off the temp sensor up until now i have tested these:
i prefer to work with HAL , it dose not seems to cut the Sensor power
Your ADC1->CR &= 0x00000000;
line looks wrong to me, depending on the controller you're using.
There is usually a bit to disable the ADC which needs to be set, rather than writing all 0s. Try ADC1->CR = (0x01 << 1);
instead. If you have the ST Micro written defines for your processor ADC1->CR = ADC_CR_ADDIS;
should be the same but more readable. After disabling the ADC you will be able to turn off the TSEN
bit of ADC->CCR