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Cakephp3 doesn't recognize the table with different name in deep associations

I have created a table called Delegates, and I created a UsersTable and User Entity. And I have used $this->setTable('delegates'); in UsersTable to be able to access Delegates from $this->Users; (I just want to say I have created a User Model with delegates table)

So far so good...

In my application I am trying to access deep associations. Every thing is fine with this query but when I contain the User model I get The Users association is not defined on Comments.

I can confirm the associations are set correctly.

// There are more associations up there. 
'Comments', [
        'className' => 'App\Model\Table\CommentsTable',
        'foreignKey' => 'delegate_assessment_criteria_id',
        'belongsTo' => [
            'Assessors' => [
                'className' => 'App\Model\Table\AssessorsTable',
                'foreignKey' => 'assessor_id',
            'Users' => [
                'className' => 'App\Model\Table\UsersTable',
                'foreignKey' => 'delegate_id',

Here is deep association.

// There are more associations up there. 
'Comments' => function($q) {
    return $q
        ->order(['Comments.created DESC'])  
            'Assessors' => function($q) {
                return $q
            'Users' => function($q) {
                return $q

2 Notes:

  • If I contain the User model in very first in hierarchy of my query I can access the User fields but in deep association this doesn't work.
  • If I contain Delegates it works.

I believe there is a problem with Cakephp query builder.


  • Alright finally I figured it out. I have done it before I don't know why I forgot. Probably because I was in deep association I drained into it.

    The deep association contain was creating conflict with very first contain. if I would set different propertyName in deep associations then it does the purpose.

    Bear in mind you must set this associations on your Table Models.

    'Comments', [
            'className' => 'App\Model\Table\CommentsTable',
            'foreignKey' => 'delegate_assessment_criteria_id',
            'belongsTo' => [
                'Assessors' => [
                    'className' => 'App\Model\Table\AssessorsTable',
                    'foreignKey' => 'assessor_id',
                'Delegates' => [   //  <= Here set the name of Assossiation you want to be shown in array
                    'className' => 'App\Model\Table\UsersTable',
                    'propertyName' => 'delegates',   // <=  Add propertyName and set another name here
                    'foreignKey' => 'delegate_id',

    And on association

    'Comments' => function($q) {
        return $q
            ->order(['Comments.created DESC'])  
                'Assessors' => function($q) {
                    return $q
                'Users' => function($q) {
                    return $q
                            // 'delegate_id'  // <= Remove this - We have already done it when we set the association on above code.