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How can i check if a directory exists with wildcars inside an if exist and copy this folder to another location?

I am trying to write a bat script in order to better organize my clients' files. I have created two folders. The first one is named "folders" and contains the folders for each client with their files. Every client's folder name has the the structure name_surname_uniqueclientid. The second one is named "Raw" and contains raw client files and folders but each folder or file contains inside its name the unique client id. My goal is to extract every id from each "folders" folder and check if there are any files or folders inside the "Raw" folder that contain this id. If there are it should xcopy them inside the corresponding "folders" folder with the same id.
My problem is i cannot check for folders that contain the id and move them to the corresponding "folders" folder.

I have managed to extract the id from the folder's name, check for files inside "Raw" folder containing this id and xcopy them to the corresponding "folders" folder. As far as i can tell the script doesn't enter the last if. It should find the folders containing the id and if there are xcopy them to the corresponding "folders" folder.

    @echo off

    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /d %%a in ("folders\*") do (
        for /f "tokens=3 delims=_" %%t in ("%%~nxa") do ( 
        if exist "Raw\*%%t*" (
            xcopy "Raw\*%%t*" "%%a"

This part bellow doesn't work:

        if exist Raw\*%%t*\ (
            xcopy "Raw\*%%t*\*" "%%a" /s /i
            echo ok
    goto :eof

Initial Folder Tree

│   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10123
│   │   |
│   │   │   kjhda10123.rtf
│   │   │   dadsada10123lhlhfds.txt
│   │   │
│   │   └───kjhfdsfs10123f
│   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10124
│   │   │   jgkjgjfs10124kjlda.rtf
│   │   │   klhlidkas10124klhdas.txt
│   │   │
│   │   └───lkhjlkhdsakda10124
│   └───FirstName_Lastname_10125
│       │   kjhkdsa10125.rtf
│       │   10125dakjh.txt
│       │
│       └───10125
|           |   kjhkjda.txt
|           |   hkda.pdf  
    |   dsakhkhda10123.txt
    |   kgjddjasg10125.pdf
    |   kkkkdajh10123khda.docx
    |   10124dsadas


│   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10123
│   │   |   kkkkdajh10123khda.docx
│   │   │   kjhda10123.rtf
│   │   │   dadsada10123lhlhfds.txt
|   |   |   dsakhkhda10123.txt
│   │   │
│   │   └───kjhfdsfs10123f
│   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10124
│   │   │   jgkjgjfs10124kjlda.rtf
│   │   │   klhlidkas10124klhdas.txt
│   │   │   10124dsadas
│   │   └───lkhjlkhdsakda10124
│   └───FirstName_Lastname_10125
│       │   kjhkdsa10125.rtf
│       │   10125dakjh.txt
│       │   kgjddjasg10125.pdf
|       |   vcb10125
│       └───10125
|           |   kjhkjda.txt
|           |   hkda.pdf  

If a folder already exists merge


  • Question? (I know this will get downvoted but I want to help the OP and try and clearly understand the issue)

    1. So, trying to make this clear, you have two main directories called folders & Raw correct?

    2. Inside the folders contains each clients folder named in your name_surname_uniqueclientid format correct?

    3. Inside Raw you have "raw client files and folders" BUT each with the name format of name_surname_uniqueclientid correct?

    4. Guessing the actuall name of the folder is after the _uniqueclientid in example _10123_taxing.rtf ...?

    Folder Tree?

    │   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10123
    │   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10124
    │   └───FirstName_Lastname_10125
        │   FirstName_Lastname_10123_taxing.rtf
        │   FirstName_Lastname_10123_text.txt
        │   FirstName_Lastname_10124_data.rtf
        │   FirstName_Lastname_10124_text.txt
        │   FirstName_Lastname_10125.rtf
        │   FirstName_Lastname_10125_text.txt


    So if any files inside the Raw folder contain uniqueclientid in the name you want to copy them to the name_surname_uniqueclientid contained inside the folders ..?

    New Tree ?

    │   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10123
    │   │   │   FirstName_Lastname_10123_taxing.rtf
    │   │   │   FirstName_Lastname_10123_text.txt
    │   │   │
    │   │   └───FirstName_Lastname_10123_taxing
    │   ├───FirstName_Lastname_10124
    │   │   │   FirstName_Lastname_10124_data.rtf
    │   │   │   FirstName_Lastname_10124_text.txt
    │   │   │
    │   │   └───FirstName_Lastname_10124_numbers
    │   └───FirstName_Lastname_10125
    │       │   FirstName_Lastname_10125.rtf
    │       │   FirstName_Lastname_10125_text.txt
    │       │
    │       └───FirstName_Lastname_10125_names

    EDIT: (Working Solution)

    If this indeed was your question, then this is a working solution to your problem. Keep note that all functions, code blocks, and processes have a Rem | that explains it step by step in the code.

    So using the bases of your code, we can grab the uniqueclientid and from there we will be setting this as a string called FolderIDNumber. This string will be used inside a find to only display valid folders inside the dir loops.

    With the main folders name_surname_uniqueclientid folder being used in a loop, we are free to process the files in Raw to move over. This is easy as we now have all the data for dir. The reason we have two dir loops is so one only grabs Folders and the other only grabs Files. This way we can properly COPY them to the designated name_surname_uniqueclientid folder.

    @echo off
    @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    Rem | Configure Directories
    Set "FolderLocation=C:\DATA\folders"
    Set "RawLocation=C:\DATA\Raw"
    Rem | Get All Folders Locations In X Directory
    for /d %%A in ("!FolderLocation!\*") do (
        Rem | Set Raw Location
        Set "FoldersLoc=%%A"
        Rem | Get Each ID# From %%A
        for /f "tokens=3 delims=_" %%B in ("%%A") do (
            Rem | Set Folders ID#
            Set "FolderIDNumber=%%B"
        Rem | Get Each Folder W/H !FolderIDNumber!
        for /f "tokens=*" %%C in ('Dir "!RawLocation!\" /B /A:D^| find "!FolderIDNumber!"') do (
            Rem | Set Raw Location & Name
            Set "RawFolderLoc=!RawLocation!\%%C"
            Set "RawFoldersName=%%~nC"
            Rem | Move Folders
            robocopy "!RawFolderLoc!" "!FoldersLoc!\!RawFoldersName!" /E /NJH /NJS /NDL /NFL /NC /NS>NUL
        Rem | Get Each File W/H !FolderIDNumber!
        for /f "tokens=*" %%D in ('Dir "!RawLocation!\*.*" /B /A-D^| find "!FolderIDNumber!"') do (
            Rem | Set Raw Location
            Set "RawFileLoc=!RawLocation!\%%D"
            Rem | Move Files
            copy "!RawFileLoc!" "!FoldersLoc!">NUL
    goto :EOF

    For help on any of the commands do the following:

    • call /?
    • set /?
    • for /?
    • if /?
    • find /?
    • So on.