I am running below code and expecting insert-after
function to execute after insert-before
function (at least with a 2000 millisecond gap) as my understanding is that XQuery would execute statements in sequence. But, after running the code, I see that both documents (/content/testbefore.xml and /content/testafter.xml) created by the two functions have the exact timestamp value matching to the milliseconds.
How could I have the statements execute sequentially?
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare function local:insert-before()
let $contents :=
<bookTitle>All About George</bookTitle>
<chapterTitle>Curious George</chapterTitle>
return xdmp:document-insert("/content/testbefore.xml", $contents)
declare function local:insert-after()
let $contents :=
<bookTitle>All About George</bookTitle>
<chapterTitle>Curious George</chapterTitle>
return xdmp:document-insert("/content/testafter.xml", $contents)
is deterministic, and will always return a consistent answer within the same transaction.
[Definition] A function that is guaranteed to produce ·identical· results from repeated calls within a single ·execution scope· if the explicit and implicit arguments are identical is referred to as deterministic.
You could use xdmp:elapsed-time()
, which will return an xs:dayTimeDuration
of the elapsed time since the start of processing of the query, and add that to the fn:currentDateTime()
<tstmp>{fn:current-dateTime() + xdmp:elapsed-time()}</tstmp>