I created an Excel document years ago which runs through a list of vendors we have in our system to send email messages. At the time, we were using Lotus Notes & have recently transitioned to Outlook. I had to rewrite the script, using Outlook functions. In it's current form, it works, but in Lotus when they emails were sent they appeared in a users Sent box, as unread. Apparently, users have become attached to this function & use it for different reporting purposes, so I'm wondering if I can somehow modify the code for similar results. I suspect I can create some rules in Outlook to handle this, but that would mean creating the same rule for each individual & then turnover. It wouldn't be pretty. Any help would be appreciated.
Sub SendWithLotus()
Dim outobj, mailobj
Dim strFileText
Dim objFileToRead
Dim vaRecipient As Variant, vsMsg As Variant, vaCC As Variant, stSubject As Variant, vaBCC As Variant
Const stTitle As String = "Preview?"
If 1 = 1 Then
If MsgBox("Did you already preview your message?", _
vbYesNo + vbInformation, stTitle) = vbNo Then _
Exit Sub
End If
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Dim a As Integer
a = 0
Dim i As Integer
i = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(Range("C" & i).Value)
vaRecipient = Range("D" & i).Value
Range("A41").Value = Range("F" & i).Value
vaMsg = Range("A83").Value
vaCC = Range("A78").Value
vaBCC = Range("H" & i).Value
stSubject = Range("E" & i).Value
stAttachment = Range("A113").Value
stAttachment2 = Range("A114").Value
stAttachment3 = Range("A115").Value
stAttachment4 = Range("A116").Value
stAttachment5 = Range("A117").Value
Set outobj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set mailobj = outobj.CreateItem(0)
With mailobj
.To = vaRecipient
If Range("B40").Value = "Yes" Then
.cc = vaCC
End If
.bcc = vaBCC
.Subject = stSubject
.Body = vaMsg
'Add attachments
If stAttachment <> "" Then
.Attachments.Add (stAttachment)
End If
If stAttachment2 <> "" Then
.Attachments.Add (stAttachment2)
End If
If stAttachment3 <> "" Then
.Attachments.Add (stAttachment3)
End If
If stAttachment4 <> "" Then
.Attachments.Add (stAttachment4)
End If
If stAttachment5 <> "" Then
.Attachments.Add (stAttachment5)
End If
End With
'Clear the memory
Set outobj = Nothing
Set mailobj = Nothing
a = a + 1
'Activate Excel for the user.
AppActivate "SendWithOutlook"
i = i + 1
Range("A41").Value = ""
MsgBox "You have successfully sent " & a & " email(s). Danny is Awesome.", vbInformation
End Sub
You can catch the Items.ItemAdd
event on the sent Items folder and set the MailItem.Unread
property to true. MailItem
will be passed as a parameter to your event handler.