I kind of understand State Monad's usefulness it propagating new values in a sequential execution. But in the following code, I'm having trouble in understanding how and where addResult
get it's updated state everytime it gets evaluated.
fizzBuzz :: Integer -> String
fizzBuzz n
| n `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz"
| n `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz"
| n `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz"
| otherwise = show n
fizzbuzzList :: [Integer] -> [String]
fizzbuzzList list = execState (mapM_ addResult list) []
addResult :: Integer -> State [String] ()
addResult n = do
xs <- get
let result = fizzBuzz n
put (result : xs)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ fizzbuzzList [1..100]
This code evaluates to produce
1, 2, Fizz...
I just couldn't figure out how the new value produced by addResult
gets appended to the previously produced list. Can you please help me understand how mapM_ addResult list
does it's stuff here?
As you have correctly observed, the State monad is used to thread some external 'state' value through a series of computations. However, you ask how this state is 'persisted' across multiple invocations of your function addResult :: Integer -> State [String] ()
on each value of the list list
. The trick is the definition of mapM_
. We'll start by considering the simpler function mapM
mapM f [] = return []
mapM f (x:xs) = do
fx <- f x
fxs <- mapM f xs
return (fx : fxs)
If we mentally 'expand' this recursive definition out with, say, an example list [x1,x2,x3,x4,...,xn]
, we'll observe that the value of mapM f [x1,...,xn]
would be another monadic computation:
fx1 <- f x1
fx2 <- f x2
-- etc.
fxn <- f xn
return [fx1,fx2,...,fxn]
So mapM
basically 'sticks together' a bunch of monadic computations into one big one, by running them together in order. Which explains how you build up a list instead of producing many smaller ones: the get
at the beginning of addResult
gets the state from the last run, not from the beginning, because you're running all the computations together, like so:
fl0 <- addResult (list !! 0)
fl1 <- addResult (list !! 1)
-- etc. like before
(If you read carefully, you'll notice I've been talking about mapM
, but you actually used mapM_
. They're exactly the same, except that the latter returns ()