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Fastlane increase build number throws Malformed 64-bit a.b.c.d.e version number

I am trying to increment the build_number of my project with fastlane

new_build_number ="%Y%m%d%H%M")
    build_number: new_build_number

But I am getting the following error:

ld: malformed 64-bit a.b.c.d.e version number: 201901091627 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

This is because fastlane is increasing the Current Library version of my dynamic frameworks

enter image description here

(As it is said here, if I set $(DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION) to the Current Library it works, but each time I execute fastlane it gets modified and fails again).

How can I make that Fastlane doesn't modify that Current Library version or how can I increment the build number and make it works with dynamic frameworks?.

Thank you very much.


  • I have fixed in the following way:

    I have downloaded versioning plugin:

    fastlane add_plugin versioning

    And then I have increase the build number in the following way:

    build_number ="%Y%m%d%H%M")
        build_number: build_number,
        target: 'YourDesiredTarget'

    Like this you won't get increased the dynamic frameworks library version/build version and the error won't appear! :)