I would like to add the time into each cell of fullcalendar, regardless the number of ressources I have.
I don't really know how to process. I uploaded a picture with what I would like.
Thanks a lot!
Found it! The idea is to add background events. "15" is your timeslot, in the following example with 60 minutes
in event function add (with arbitrary star_day and end_day)
events: function(start, end, timezone, callback) {
var timeCursor = moment(start_day);
while (timeCursor < moment(end_day))
start: timeCursor.toISOString(),
end: timeCursor.add('15', 'minutes').toISOString(),
rendering: 'background'
in eventRender function add:
eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
if (event.rendering == 'background') {
Here is the result (with 60 minutes):