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How to calculate number and duration of categorical spells by ID in R

I have a longitudinal dataset that records person's employment status monthly for 45 months. I would like to be able to create two variables to add to this dataset: 1) Overall duration each person spent "Unemployed" 2) Number of unemployment spells

Ideally it would also skip over NAs without interrupting the spell

I've created an example dataset to make things simple:

    ID <- c(1:10, 1:10, 1:10)
    date <- c("2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", 
              "2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", "2006-09-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", 
              "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-10-01", "2006-11-01", 
              "2006-11-01", "2006-11-01", "2006-11-01", "2006-11-01", "2006-11-01", "2006-11-01", "2006-11-01", 
              "2006-11-01", "2006-11-01")
    act <- c("Unemployed", "Employment", "Education", "Education", "Education", "Education", "Education", 
             "Education", "Education", "Unemployed", "Education", "Unemployed", "Unemployed", "Unemployed", 
             "Education", "Education", "Employment", "Education", "Education", "NA", "Unemployed", 
             "Unemployed", "NA", "Unemployed", "Education", "Employment", "Employment", "NA", "Education", 
    df <- data.frame(ID, date, act)

       ID       date        act
    1   1 2006-09-01 Unemployed
    11  1 2006-10-01  Education
    21  1 2006-11-01 Unemployed
    2   2 2006-09-01 Employment
    12  2 2006-10-01 Unemployed
    22  2 2006-11-01 Unemployed
    3   3 2006-09-01  Education
    13  3 2006-10-01 Unemployed
    23  3 2006-11-01         NA
    4   4 2006-09-01  Education
    14  4 2006-10-01 Unemployed
    24  4 2006-11-01 Unemployed
    5   5 2006-09-01  Education
    15  5 2006-10-01  Education
    25  5 2006-11-01  Education
    6   6 2006-09-01  Education
    16  6 2006-10-01  Education
    26  6 2006-11-01 Employment
    7   7 2006-09-01  Education
    17  7 2006-10-01 Employment
    27  7 2006-11-01 Employment
    8   8 2006-09-01  Education
    18  8 2006-10-01  Education
    28  8 2006-11-01         NA
    9   9 2006-09-01  Education
    19  9 2006-10-01  Education
    29  9 2006-11-01  Education
    10 10 2006-09-01 Unemployed
    20 10 2006-10-01         NA
    30 10 2006-11-01 Unemployed

I tried a solution proposed by Roland at Calculate duration in R but I am not sure how to adapt it to give me results by ID and deal with NAs.

    df[, date := as.POSIXct(date, format = "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "GMT")]

    df$act <- ifelse(df$act == "Unemployed",1,-1)
    df[, run := cumsum(c(1, diff(act) != 0))]

    df1 <- df[, list(act = unique(act), 
                               duration = difftime(max(date), min(date), unit = "weeks")), 
                        by = run]
        run act duration
     1:   1   1  0 weeks
     2:   2  -1  0 weeks
     3:   3   1  0 weeks
     4:   4  -1  0 weeks
     5:   5   1  0 weeks
     6:   6  -1  0 weeks
     7:   7   1  0 weeks
     8:   8  -1  0 weeks
     9:   9   1  0 weeks
    10:  10  -1  0 weeks
    11:  11   1  0 weeks

What I am after is to achieve this (duration here is in months but can be weeks or days):

    ID spell_count duration
1    1           2        2
2    2           1        2
3    3           1        1
10  10           1        2

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, any links/literature/examples.

Thank you.


  • I am using only your first code block, then for Overall duration, I do:

        df_duration = df[act=="Unemployed",.(duration = .N),by = ID]

    the number of unemployment spells is a little bit trickier:

        df_spell_count = df[order(ID,date)]
        df_spell_count <- df_spell_count[!(|act=="NA")]
        df_spell_count[,previous_act := shift(act,1),by = ID]
        df_spell_count<-df_spell_count[act =="Unemployed" & (previous_act!="Unemployed" |]
        df_spell_count<-df_spell_count[,.(spell_count =.N),by = ID]

    If you want to merge both things, just:

    df_stats <- merge(df_duration,df_spell_count, by = "ID", all.x = TRUE,all.y = TRUE)

    Observe that this df does not contain rows for those users without unemployment periods.