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hive application shows running even after killing from command line

I ran a hive query on a decently large dataset and it was taking too much time for the query so I decided to kill the application with :

    yarn kill -application-id

Now when I check from the CLI with:

    yarn application -list 

then the above mentioned application does not show up in the list.

However, when I log into the Tez view from ambari the application is showing up to be still in the running state(almost been 24 hours since I created it).

I tried killing it again from the command line but it says that the application has already finished.

I also checked in the resource manager UI and the status for that job shows that it was killed.

Because of this, whenever I am trying to run any new hive job, it is just getting queued up and I am unable to run any other jobs.

Please help!


  • So the way around I found to clear the queue so that I could run other queries was to go to /hadoop/yarn/timeline, backup the files and restart YARN. The TEZ queue was cleared up and I could start running my queries from the hive view again.

    I should mention, however, that this will clear all queries(for all the users).