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How Visual Studio Code will use to format PHP like PhpStorm?

I have used phpfmt extension to indent the code which formatted code like this

'cms' => [
    'class' => 'yii2mod\cms\Module',
    'controllerNamespace' => 'backend\controllers',
    'defaultRoute' => 'cms',

And when I merge it return the code intend error. I need the code to format like PhpStorm did this

'cms'   => [
    'class'               => 'yii2mod\cms\Module',
    'controllerNamespace' => 'backend\controllers',
    'defaultRoute'        => 'cms',

Which extension and how I use it in Visual Studio Code to get rid of PHP intended error in Visual Studio Code?


  • You can use the following settings that i use for my development env, would be closest to what you are looking for.

    Add the following into your settings.json in VSCode.

      "phpfmt.php_bin": "php",
      "phpfmt.passes": [
        "phpfmt.exclude": [
        "phpfmt.psr2": false