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How to build a IMS open source corpus workbench and NLTK readable corpus?

Currently i've a bunch of .txtfiles. within each .txt files, each sentence is separated by newline. how do i change it to the IMS CWB format so that it's readable by CWB? and also to nltk format.

Can someone lead me to a howto page to do that? or is there a guide page to do that, i've tried reading through the manual but i dont really know.

Does it mean i create a data and registry directory and then i run the cwb-encode command and it will be all converted to vrt file? does it convert one file at a time? how do i script it to run through multiple file in a directory?


  • It's easy to produce cwb's "verticalized" format from an NLTK-readable corpus:

    from nltk.corpus import brown
    out = open('corpus.vrt','w')
    for sentence in nltk.brown.sents():
         print >>out,'<s>'
         for word in sentence:
              print >>out,word
         print >>out,'</s>'

    From there, you can follow the instructions on the CWB website.