I have a table like:
STREET | NUMBERS (varchar)
broadway | 01, 03
helmet | 01, 03, 07
And I would like to know if it is possible to get those arrays and make a new table disaggregating them like this:
1 | broadway | 01
2 | broadway | 03
3 | helmet | 01
4 | helmet | 03
5 | helmet | 07
From searching, I found that array_agg() does the exact opposite. Is there some kind of reverse array_agg() or any other method to get that result?
Also, it would be great if I could also get another column with the position that that row had in the original array:
1 | broadway | 01 | 1
2 | broadway | 03 | 2
3 | helmet | 01 | 1
4 | helmet | 03 | 2
5 | helmet | 07 | 3
Thank you in advance
Use string_to_array()
and unnest() with ordinality
in a lateral join:
with my_table(street, numbers) as (
('broadway', '01, 03'),
('helmet', '01, 03, 07')
select street, number, position
from my_table
cross join unnest(string_to_array(numbers, ', ')) with ordinality as u(number, position)
street | number | position
broadway | 01 | 1
broadway | 03 | 2
helmet | 01 | 1
helmet | 03 | 2
helmet | 07 | 3
(5 rows)