I am trying to deploy Hyperledger Iroha in Docker environment for running a single instance as per the guidelines given in 5.3.1 section at
However, I am getting below error.
NOTE: IROHA_POSTGRES_HOST should match 'host' option in config file
wait-for-it.sh: waiting 30 seconds for
wait-for-it.sh: timeout occurred after waiting 30 seconds for
[2019-01-02 11:33:20.406202853][th:80][info] MAIN start
[2019-01-02 11:33:20.406373949][th:80][info] MAIN config initialized
[2019-01-02 11:33:20.407157701][th:80][info] IROHAD created
[2019-01-02 11:33:20.407215609][th:80][info] StorageImpl:initConnection Start st
[2019-01-02 11:33:20.407363960][th:80][info] StorageImpl:initConnection block st
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'soci::soci_error'
what(): Cannot establish connection to the database.
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
But I tested whether postgres server is running in my system or not using psql command. I am able to connect to postgres server from command prompt using psql command.
The iroha config file contents are as follows.
"torii_port" : 50051,
"internal_port" : 10001,
"pg_opt" : "host= port=5432 user=postgres password=abc123",
"max_proposal_size" : 10,
"proposal_delay" : 5000,
"vote_delay" : 5000,
"mst_enable" : false
And the command i used for running iroha daemon is as follows.
iroha$ sudo docker run --name iroha2 -p 50051:50051 -v /home/user/iroha/example:/opt/iroha_data -v blockstore:/tmp/block_store -e IROHA_POSTGRES_HOST='' -e POSTGRES_PORT='5432' -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD='abc123' -e POSTGRES_USER='postgres' -e KEY=node0 --network=iroha-network hyperledger/iroha:latest
Please note that you are trying to run Iroha node inside docker container, thus inside docker network. Postgres instance running on host machine will not be reachable from docker container. I suggest you running two docker containers: Postgres and Iroha. They will be in the same network, thus they will see each other.
In the link that you provided above, there are instructions for that.
docker run --name some-postgres \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
-p 5432:5432 \
--network=iroha-network \
-d postgres:9.5
And do not forget to change postgres host in your config file