I am trying to validate a config in scala. First I convert the config json to the respective case class and then I validate it. As I want to fail slow I collect all the validations that fail rather than returning after the first validation that fails. I plan to use applicative functors provided by cats library Cats validation.
The problem I face is the form validation shown in the link works for simple case class
final case class RegistrationData(username: String, password: String, firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int)
// Below is the code snippet for applying validation from the link itself
// A more complex case for validations
final case class User(name:String,adds:List[Addresses])
final case class Address(street:String,lds:List[LandMark])
final case class LandMark(wellKnown:Boolean,street:String)
In this case validation on field 'username' is independent of validation on say 'firstName'. But what if the
In general is the approach of applicative functors suitable for this case ? Should I even collect all failed validations ?
PS: forgive me if mentioned something incorrectly, I am new to scala.
Based on cats validate example
import cats.data._
import cats.data.Validated._
import cats.implicits._
final case class RegistrationData(name: Name, age: Int, workAge: Int)
final case class Name(firstName: String, lastName: String)
sealed trait DomainValidation {
def errorMessage: String
case object FirstNameHasSpecialCharacters extends DomainValidation {
def errorMessage: String =
"First name cannot contain spaces, numbers or special characters."
case object LastNameHasSpecialCharacters extends DomainValidation {
def errorMessage: String =
"Last name cannot contain spaces, numbers or special characters."
case object AgeIsInvalid extends DomainValidation {
def errorMessage: String =
"You must be aged 18 and not older than 75 to use our services."
case object AgeIsLessThanWorkInvalid extends DomainValidation {
def errorMessage: String =
"You must be aged 18 and not older than 75 to use our services."
sealed trait FormValidatorNec {
type ValidationResult[A] = ValidatedNec[DomainValidation, A]
private def validateFirstName(firstName: String): ValidationResult[String] =
if (firstName.matches("^[a-zA-Z]+$")) firstName.validNec
else FirstNameHasSpecialCharacters.invalidNec
private def validateLastName(lastName: String): ValidationResult[String] =
if (lastName.matches("^[a-zA-Z]+$")) lastName.validNec
else LastNameHasSpecialCharacters.invalidNec
private def validateAge(age: Int,
workAge: Int): ValidationResult[(Int, Int)] = {
if (age >= 18 && age <= 75 && workAge >= 0)
if (age > workAge)
(age, workAge).validNec
def validateForm(firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int,
workAge: Int): ValidationResult[RegistrationData] = {
(validateFirstName(firstName), validateLastName(lastName)).mapN(Name),
validateAge(age, workAge)
).mapN {
case (n, (a, w)) => RegistrationData(name = n, age = a, workAge = w)
object FormValidatorNec extends FormValidatorNec
println(FormValidatorNec.validateForm("firstname", "lastname", 40, 30))
println(FormValidatorNec.validateForm("firs2tname", "lastname", 20, 30))
Check this fiddle
Function of mapN
is called only when data in the tuple (ValidationResult[_], ValidationResult[_], ...)
is Valid
. If one or more elements in tuple are Invalid
, they are collected into a NotEmtpyChain
In summary, all of validate
methods are called, and when all them return Valid[_]
the mapN
function is applied.