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How to loop through multi-line sql query and use them in Knex Transactions?

Newbie in Node and Knex here coming from an RoR background where I need to convert a specific function to Node.js

This is my RoR code:

    update_queries ={|currency, rate|
      "UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate='#{rate}' WHERE currency='#{currency}'"


So far here's what I have in Nodejs:

static save(new_rates){
      return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        var query = Object.keys(rate).map(key => 'UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate=' + rate[key] + ' WHERE currency = "' + key + '"').join('; ');

Here's what the input data looks like:


'UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate=32102793.12 WHERE currency= "IDR"; 

UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate=0.7822 WHERE currency= "USDGBP"; 

UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate=3189.756317 WHERE currency= "CAD"; 

UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate=152.8 WHERE currency= "USDLKR"; 

UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate=110.818 WHERE currency= "USDJPY"; 

UPDATE currency_exchange_rates SET rate=1.3103 WHERE currency= "USDAUD"'

I'm using Knex.js to connect to my pg database. How can I execute this all of these using knex? Can I just pass all of the queries in knex.raw()? How about knex.transaction()? What are their differences?

Thanks in advance!


  • Something like this is knexy way to do it:

    let retVal = await knex.transaction(async (trx) => {
      for (let key of Object.keys(rate)) {
        let value = rate[key];
        await trx('currency_exchange_rates')
          .update({ rate: value }).where('currency', key);
      return "woo done"; // this value is returned from transaction 

    When dealing with transactions, usually you want to create and run queries one by one to avoid unnecessary buffering of queries before running them through the transaction's single DB connection.