I'm trying to combine
Updated code is not working and the answer on 'how to do it' must be pretty simple, but I need help:
public class foo
public final int smth; //Variable might not have been initialized
public final Integer smthElse; //Variable might not have been initialized
public foo(JSONObject myObj)
if(myObj != null) {
try {
int extraParam = Integer.parseInt("ABCD"); //This is just an example for Exception to be called
smth = extraParam;
smthElse = extraParam;
} catch (Exception e) {}
} else {
smth = 1;
smthElse = 2;
P.S. I don't want to use (private int + public getter + private setter)
When you perform an assignment within a try
block, the compiler treats it as “may or may not have happened” after the try … catch …
construct, which makes it ineligible for final
variables you want to use after that construct.
The solution is to use temporary non-final variables which you can assign multiple times and perform a definite assignment of the final
variables at the end of the operation.
public class Foo
public final int smth;
public final Integer smthElse;
public Foo(JSONObject myObj) {
int smthValue = 1;
Integer smthElseValue = 2;
if(myObj != null) try {
int extraParam = Integer.parseInt("ABCD"); //This is just an example
smthValue = extraParam;
smthElseValue = extraParam;
} catch (Exception e) {}
smth = smthValue;
smthElse = smthElseValue;