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Adding conditions to outer joins with NHibernate ICriteria/QueryOver query

Is there a way to specify additional conditions on outer joins in NHibernate when querying using QueryOver or ICriteria?

I need some extra conditions on the outer join-ed table, but NHibernate always adds them to the WHERE clause at the end - which does not get the correct behaviour (see

I can't seem to find any way to do this using Criteria or the QueryOver syntax...



  • (Answered my own question - sorry!)

    Fabio answered a similar query on the NHibernate list - just thought I'd post it here.

    That is possible with Criteria since NH3.0. The feature in HQL

    With Criteria have a look to CreateAlias(string associationPath, string alias, JoinType joinType, ICriterion withClause) CreateCriteria(string associationPath, string alias, JoinType joinType, ICriterion withClause)

    With QueryOver it is not available but there's a JIRA for this here: