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How to enable X-Frame-Options in WSO2 5.4.1?

I tried to configure my jaggery.conf file as stated in the documentation to allow framing as follows :

        "params" : [
            {"name" : "hstsEnabled", "value" : "false"},
                        { "name": "antiClickJackingOption", "value": "SAMEORIGIN" }
        "name": "ContentTypeBasedCachePreventionFilter",
        "class": "org.wso2.carbon.ui.filters.cache.ContentTypeBasedCachePreventionFilter",
          {"name": "patterns", "value": "text/html\" ,application/json\" ,plain/text"},
          {"name": "filterAction", "value": "enforce"},
          {"name": "httpHeaders", "value": "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, private"}

Despite, in my client app, I still get a message saying that framing isn't allowed.

Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://localhost:9444/authenticationendpoint/ does not permit framing.


  • Since this issue is coming from authenticationendpoint, you have to configure HttpHeaderSecurityFilter filter in the file <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/authenticationendpoint/WEB-INF/web.xml as follows.


    Btw, the error in the shared URL is Registered+callback+does+not+match+with+the+provided+url, you can check whether the redirect_uri defined in the request URL is matching with the one configured in the service provider.