Search code examples

SPARQL - Query all data properties without upper-level-properties

I'd like to query all data properties of a specific individual.

My data properties defined in the Ontology

In my ontology I have defined trees of data properties.

See Protege Screenshot: Data Properties

The target individual to be queried

My target individual is in my owl defined as following:

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
    <decription rdf:datatype="">An example work cell.</decription>
    <ele rdf:datatype="">35.0</ele>
    <lat rdf:datatype="">52.518611</lat>
    <lon rdf:datatype="">13.376111</lon>
    <name rdf:datatype="">I40 Work Cell 1</name>
    <production_date rdf:datatype="">2012-12-31T23:57:00</production_date>
    <uuid rdf:datatype="">e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf</uuid>

In Protege it looks like: See Protege Screenshot: Individual in Protege

Aimed result

The goal/aim is to query all defined data properties shown in Protege or in the OWL snippet. The expected result for this query should be:

| I40Component                                                                       | dataProperty             | datatypeValue                          |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:uuid             | "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf" |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:production_date  | "2012-12-31T23:57:00"                  |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:name             | "I40 Work Cell 1"                      |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:lon              | "13.376111"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:lat              | "52.518611"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:ele              | "35.0"                                 |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:decription       | "An example work cell."                |

My current SPARQL query and the result

My current test method looks like the following. It builds and execute a SPARQL query.

public void showDataPropertiesOfWholeManifest() {
    SelectBuilder sb = new SelectBuilder() //Building a Query template
            .addPrefix("i40comp", owl.getI40NameSpace() + "#")
            .addPrefix("rdfs", "")
            .addPrefix("xsd", "")
            .addPrefix("owl", "")
            .addPrefix("rdf", "");

    //Define Variables      

    //Find Individuals for Type "Manifest"
    sb.addWhere("?I40Component", "rdf:type", URI.generateSparqlURI(I40VOC.Classes.AssetAdministrationShell.Manifest));

    //Find Individual with UUID "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf"
    sb.addWhere("?I40Component", "i40comp:uuid", "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf"); //Filter I40Component

    //Get all properties of this individual
    sb.addWhere("?dataProperty", "?", "owl:DatatypeProperty");

    // Results preparation
    sb.addWhere("?I40Component", "?dataProperty", "?datatypeValue");

    //Filters blanks and literals
    try {
    } catch (ParseException e) {

    //Build query and print result
    Query q =;

Or again as Query String:

PREFIX  xsd:  <>
PREFIX  i40comp: <>
PREFIX  rdfs: <>
PREFIX  owl:  <>
PREFIX  rdf:  <>

SELECT  ?I40Component ?dataProperty ?datatypeValue
  { ?I40Component
              rdf:type       i40comp:Manifest ;
              i40comp:uuid   "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf" .
              ?              owl:DatatypeProperty .
              ?dataProperty  ?datatypeValue
    FILTER ( ! isBlank(?datatypeValue) )
    FILTER isLiteral(?datatypeValue)

Unfortunately the result is not the result I need. See following result:

| I40Component                                                                       | dataProperty             | datatypeValue                          |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:uuid             | "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf" |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:production_date  | "2012-12-31T23:57:00"                  |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:name             | "I40 Work Cell 1"                      |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:lon              | "13.376111"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:lat              | "52.518611"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:ele              | "35.0"                                 |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:decription       | "An example work cell."                |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:aas              | "52.518611"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:manifest         | "52.518611"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:aas              | "An example work cell."                |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:aas              | "I40 Work Cell 1"                      |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:aas              | "2012-12-31T23:57:00"                  |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:aas              | "35.0"                                 |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:manifest         | "35.0"                                 |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:aas              | "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf" |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:aas              | "13.376111"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:manifest         | "13.376111"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:manifest         | "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf" |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:manifest         | "2012-12-31T23:57:00"                  |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:manifest         | "An example work cell."                |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:manifest         | "I40 Work Cell 1"                      |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:wpt_gps_location | "52.518611"                            |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:wpt_gps_location | "35.0"                                 |
| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:wpt_gps_location | "13.376111"                            |

Somehow the SPARQL query goes to the "upper level data properties" and select them also as result and prints the value of the real sub-property. Like:

| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:wpt_gps_location | "52.518611"                            |

Which should be normally:

| i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:lat              | "52.518611"                            |

Maybe one of you can explain me why this happens and can also support me with the improvement of the query to get the aimed result.


  • The Solution

    The needed hint came from AKSW:

    what is wrong with query result? I mean, it's obviously due to inference. So my guess - and you didn't show the type of model you used - you're using an inference model. Am I right? Do you know what inference aka reasoning is? I you only want the asserted data the simplest case is to use a default model and load the data into this one – AKSW

    The problem was the use of an inference model (inference aka reasoning) in Jena:

    OntModel mONT = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();

    Such models deliver also interfering data.

    To get only asserted data as aimed in my scenario, the easiest way is it to use simply a default model instead of an Ontology model (Model instead of OntModel):

    Model mONT = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel()

    Through this change I only get asserted data and the aimed result:

    | I40Component                                                                       | dataProperty            | datatypeValue                          |
    | i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:lon             | "13.376111"                            |
    | i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:ele             | "35.0"                                 |
    | i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:decription      | "An example work cell."                |
    | i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:name            | "I40 Work Cell 1"                      |
    | i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:production_date | "2012-12-31T23:57:00"                  |
    | i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:uuid            | "e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf" |
    | i40comp:I40Component_e41bdfaa-7163-46ed-8cb3-350fa226bbaf_I40WorkCell1_AASmanifest | i40comp:lat             | "52.518611"                            |

    Thank you AKSW!