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How to submit an add-in to AppSource that requires an authentication with OAuth 2.0?

I'm developing an add-in that integrates with a product of the company that i work. So to use the add-in the customer need to have a system login which Microsoft would not have.

What are the guidelines for submitting an add-in of this nature?

Must i indicate something in the manifest file?

    <Host Name="Workbook" />
    <Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.2">
        <Set Name="ExcelApi" MinVersion="1.2"/>
    <SourceLocation DefaultValue="" />


  • It sounds like our Enterprise policies may be applicable to your scenario. Please see this blog post for more information.

    When you are ready to submit to AppSource, you will need to ensure you provide a system login in the test notes to ensure the validation team can fully test your submission.