I try to transfer Ether from the contract to an address but it gives the error that the transaction is out of gas. I think it's a small problem but I can't find it. I have to specifically use solidity version 0.4.24.
I have tried different methods, like:
address.call.value(amount)( );
All methods will give the same out of gas exception. and the send and call method will also give a warning that it's outdated and that I should use the transfer method.
I also tried to adjust the gas and it didn't work, I also tried the needed 2,300 for the transfer listed on the docs.
The code:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract TestContract {
function payAddress(address _address) external payable {
If the problem is that the contract doesn't have any Ether to transfer, can it use the Ether I send with the function call? Or is the problem something else?
Thank you for reading.
I have tried to send Ether to my Contract and that works, I do have Ether on my contract now, but the function still gives the same error as before. So the problem is something else.
Current code:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract TestContract {
function() external payable { }
function payContract() public payable {}
function paySomeone(address _address, uint256 _amount) external {
function getBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
return address(this).balance;
As you can see here the balance of the contract is 10 wei, but when i try to send 9 wei it still gives the same out of gas error. I also still get the same error from Remix as before.
I also post the issue on the Stack exchange and got an answer there. The issue was my Ganache version. I switched to the Robsten test network and it worked. I'll link the post here.