I want to detect shape and then describe it (somehow) to compare it with server data.
So the first question is, is it possible to detect shape like blob with ARKit?
To be more specific, let's describe my usecase generally.
I want to scan image by phone, get the specific shape, send it on server, compare two images on server (server image is the real one, scanned image would be very similar) and then send back some data. I am not asking about server side, the only question about server side is what should I compare - images using OpenCV, some mathematical description of both images and try to find similarity, etc.).
If the question is hard to understand, let's split it on two easy questions: 1) How to scan 2D object by iPhone and save it (trim the specific shape from its background when object is black and background white). 2) Describe scanned object for comparision with almost the same object.
In any case, it is not a trivial task.