How would you send a POST request via artillery with binary data? More specifically I'm trying to do a batch request and have artillery read from the file for the body
I did see in the docs I need to use a custom JS function, but can't seem to get it to correctly pass back the values to artillery:
i read the post that custom js can be written as followed:
'use strict';
module.exports = {
var contents = require('fs').readFileSync("/home/ec2-user/image_data/data6.json");
function generateRandomPayload(userContext, events, done) {
var payload = {
payload = JSON.parse(contents);
userContext.vars.payload = payload;
return done();
the artillery yaml file can be like so:
target: ""
processor: "./image-payload.js"
- duration: 120
- arrivalRate: 1
- flow:
- function: "generateRandomPayload"
- post:
url: "/resource"
json: "{{payload}}"