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Spring Boot i18n in multi modules project

I have this multi modules project:

Parent Pom
|----Main module (@SpringBootApplcation and
|----Module I
|----Module II
|----Module III

The main module depends on other modules and contains and under resources/messages/ and also the where I defined MessageResource bean spring.messages.basename=messages/messages. Now I would like to put the files in each module. Eg for Module I, under src/main/resources/messages/ same thing for Module II. My question is, how can I add the module's messages in the MessageResource bean defined in I tried several declarations like these:

spring.messages.basename=messages/messages,classpath:/com/company/moduleI/resources/messages/messages or spring.messages.basename=messages/messages,classpath:moduleI/resources/messages/messages but none works. Is there a way to achieve this?


  • I finally found a better solution, using the ResourceBundleMessageSource#addBasenames(...) to add all modules' messages.


    In each module, I renamed the message files, e.g. for Module I, I had resources/messages/, resources/messages/ Then I defined a configuration class in that module to add the messages source files.

    public class ModuleConfig {
        private final ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource;
        public void addMessageBaseName() {
            messageSource.addBasenames( "messages/module1-messages" );

    I am sure there could be a better way to go but I didn't find it.