I am working with Quandl in Pycharm. I tried to get information from the web and display it on the console; however, when I try to print the data, it shows an ellipsis instead. This problem only happens when using Pycharm. In the Python console connected to my PATH, it works properly. I tried changing the character length output on the console and making the lines wrap around to have more space, but nothing I tried worked. Thanks for the help.
import quandl
df = quandl.get('WSE/TSGAMES', authtoken="JMx9w7AXwPfKAfJqmhDd")
This is what is displayed in Pycharm.
Open High ... # of Trades Turnover (1000)
Date ...
2018-05-11 52.20 63.0 ... 2026.0 11087.89
2018-05-14 68.00 74.8 ... 2655.0 16844.68
2018-05-15 66.60 66.6 ... 1279.0 5800.26
2018-05-16 63.50 63.9 ... 496.0 2119.90
2018-05-17 63.87 63.9 ... 358.0 1469.62
This is what is displayed in Windows Python PATH. I want THIS outcome in Pycharms console.
Open High Low Close %Change Volume # of Trades Turnover (1000)
2018-05-11 52.20 63.0 51.11 62.00 34.78 200776.0 2026.0 11087.89
2018-05-14 68.00 74.8 65.30 66.70 7.58 240228.0 2655.0 16844.68
2018-05-15 66.60 66.6 58.28 62.00 -7.05 93961.0 1279.0 5800.26
2018-05-16 63.50 63.9 60.01 63.67 2.69 34008.0 496.0 2119.90
2018-05-17 63.87 63.9 59.00 59.00 -7.33 24068.0 358.0 1469.62
After importing Panda, you need to set the max columns to something greater than 5 (which is the default when it can't detect the window size, which ends up happening in PyCharm). Try this:
import pandas as pd
import quandl
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10) # set this number to >= your number of cols
df = quandl.get('WSE/TSGAMES', authtoken="JMx9w7AXwPfKAfJqmhDd")