I just upgraded the ssd card to 2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-lite. Hence, no screen, no keyboard, just headless. With the version before I used SSH to acess the raspberrypi 3. But now i have trouble. SSH is disabled by default. Could be overcome by writing an empty file named ssh into / . Fine, should be easy, but it isn't. I tried to mount the ssd-card in a card reader from a linux computer. This would allow to write the required empty file with cat /dev/null > /mnt/rasp/ssh , but it doesn't work, because the device is mounted read only indepent of how I try to mount for read-write! Has anybody an Idea how to open the ssh, maybe over USB-Telnet, or what ever?
You have to create a file called ssh
in the boot
partition, not the root partition.
You can also create a file called wpa_supplicant
in the same place and your RasPi will join your wifi network.
You'll probably be able to ssh
into it with:
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
If not, look in your router's "DHCP clients" table or use nmap
to get its IP address. Or install the fing
app in your smartphone and it'll tell you the IP addresses and host/OS of all your network clients.