Following sample code fails to compile with the error listed below.
class Outer {
class Inner
val instance: Inner = new Inner
def verify(pd: Inner): Boolean = pd == instance
class UseOuter(val pdp: Outer) {
def foo: pdp.Inner = pdp.instance
class UseCase {
val pdp = new Outer
val user = new UseOuter(pdp)
val i =
Error: type mismatch;
found : UseCase.this.user.pdp.Inner
required: UseCase.this.pdp.Inner
Compilation Failed
I'm not entirely sure but reading Inner Classes suggests that it's the intended behaviour? Specifically the following sentence:
As opposed to Java-like languages where such inner classes are members of the enclosing class, in Scala such inner classes are bound to the outer object.
If that's the case and this is indeed the desired behaviour, is there a way to encode this requirement in Scala?
There are a few similar questions but they all concern inner types, and not classes and the proposed solutions will not apply.
For example you can use type projections:
class Outer {
class Inner
val instance: Inner = new Inner
// def verify(pd: Inner): Boolean = pd == instance
def verify(pd: Outer#Inner): Boolean = pd == instance
class UseOuter(val pdp: Outer) {
// def foo: pdp.Inner = pdp.instance
def foo: Outer#Inner = pdp.instance
class UseCase {
val pdp: Outer = new Outer
val user: UseOuter = new UseOuter(pdp)
// val i: user.pdp.Inner =
val i: Outer#Inner =