I have 2 tables: batters
and pitchers
I want to pull
playerid(nvarchar50), firstname(nvarchar50), lastname(nvarchar50), bats(nvarchar50)
from the batters
playerid(nvarchar50), firstname(nvarchar50), lastname(nvarchar50), throws(nvarchar50)
from the pitchers
I want to combine the output so that when i get results it comes out like this
playerid, firstname, lastname, throws, bats
Is this possible? I'm guessing it should be but I've exhausted joins and unions and cant get the result set to come out that way. Remember they are two different tables
bat table
playerID nameFirst nameLast bats
abreubo01 Bobby Abreu L
abreujo02 Jose Abreu R
abreuto01 Tony Abreu B
ackledu01 Dustin Ackley L
adamecr01 Cristhian Adames S
adamsla01 Lane Adams R
adamsma01 Matt Adams L
pit table
playerid nameFirst nameLast throws
abadfe01 Fernando Abad L
aceveal01 Alfredo Aceves R
achteaj01 A.J. Achter R
adamsau01 Austin Adams R
adamsmi03 Mike Adams R
adcocna01 Nathan Adcock R
affelje01 Jeremy Affeldt L
Desired Result
pit table
playerid nameFirst nameLast throws Bats
abadfe01 Fernando Abad
aceveal01 Alfredo Aceves
achteaj01 A.J. Achter
adamsau01 Austin Adams
adamsmi03 Mike Adams
adcocna01 Nathan Adcock
affelje01 Jeremy Affeldt
1) You just want a list of all the players without any restrictions
2) The same player ID never appears in both tables (or if it does, you don't care if they're listed twice)
Based on those assumptions, you can simply write:
SELECT playerID, nameFirst, nameLast, bats, NULL as throws
FROM bats
SELECT playerID, nameFirst, nameLast, NULL as bats, throws
FROM pits
However, I think your data is not fully normalised. Both of these tables are actually lists of players, just with a slight variation in their attributes. So a more sensible overall approach would be simply to have a single "players" table with columns as follows:
playerID, nameFirst, nameLast, bats, throws
Bats and throws would both be nullable, in case the player doesn't do that action. If necessary you could add an extra "player_type" column to denote their role (batter, pitcher - or both, if that's allowed).
Once you've got that structure, the query is trivial:
SELECT playerID, nameFirst, nameLast, bats, throws
FROM players