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Node.js - Converting a SQL query into Knex.js

I have a SQL query (Postgres) containing several joins that I'm having trouble converting into a single Knex.js statement. Here's the SQL query:

SELECT,,, AS r_name, AS p_id, UserPofile.date_of_birth AS p_dob, AS at_id, AuthToken.token AS at_token, AuthToken.platform AS at_platform
FROM public."user" User
    LEFT JOIN public."user_role" UserRole ON = UserRole.user_id
    LEFT JOIN public."role" Role ON UserRole.role_id =
    LEFT JOIN public."application" Application ON UserProfile.app_id =
    LEFT JOIN public."user_profile" UserProfile ON = UserProfile.user_id
    LEFT JOIN public."auth_token" AuthToken ON = AuthToken.user_id
WHERE LIKE '[email protected]' AND LIKE 'awesome-application' AND
    AuthToken.platform LIKE 'mobile';

Here's my Knex.js code:

    return knex('user').where({ email:'[email protected]' })
        '', '', '' // User
        ' AS rName' // Roles
        ' AS pId', 'user_profile.date_of_birth AS pDob' // UserProfiles
        ' AS atId' 'auth_token.platform AS atPlatform', 'auth_token.token AS atToken' // AuthTokens
    .leftJoin('user_profile', 'user_profile.user_id', '')
    .leftJoin('user_role', 'user_role.user_id', '')
    .leftJoin('role', '', 'user_role.role_id')
    .leftJoin('auth_token', 'auth_token.user_id', '')
    .then(users => {

        users = users.filter(user => { 
            return user.pApp_id === appId && user.atApp_id === appId && user.atPlatform === platform; 
        return users;

This produces the same result that the SQL query does, but the problem is that I have to filter the returned users in the .then() clause of the Knex call because I don't know how to add WHERE conditions for the and AuthToken.platform.


Can someone please help me figure out how to structure my Knex code's .where() clause to have it be equivalent to the SQL query?


  • I don't know how to console.log the SQL queries that Knex produces, therefore I'm not entirely sure that my current Knex code will produce the SQL query above it (minus the correct WHERE clause). I have checked though that it does in fact return the same results, by running the query in PgAdmin and console.log()ing the users returned in from the Knex function.
  • I haven't included the CREATE TABLE / Knex migrations that defined the tables and columns used in this question, because to me it didn't feel necessary, and I don't want to make an already long question even longer. But if you need to see it, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'll gladly include it.


  • To debug you can use .toSQL() to debug your knex queries documentation.
    Also, nice cheatsheet

    As hot fix solution you can use .raw() and paste your SQL code there.

    About WHERE conditions, you can just chain them in the end of your knex query.
    Something like this:

    return knex('user')
      .select('', '', '', 
        ' AS rName'
        ' AS pId', 'user_profile.date_of_birth AS pDob', 
        ' AS atId' 'auth_token.platform AS atPlatform', 'auth_token.token AS atToken'
      .leftJoin('user_profile', 'user_profile.user_id', '')
      .leftJoin('user_role', 'user_role.user_id', '')
      .leftJoin('role', '', 'user_role.role_id')
      .leftJoin('auth_token', 'auth_token.user_id', '') 
      .where('', 'like', '%[email protected]%')
      .andWhere('', 'like' '%awesome-application%')