I have my own extension with which a frontend user can create own records. On a user detail page then all entries of the user should be displayed.
In my "Show" template I have a variable {user.uid} with which I come to the User UID. How do I get that into my typoscript?
lib.getuserItems = CONTENT
lib.getuserItems {
table = tx_myext_domain_model_item
select {
selectFields = crdate,image,message,uid,deleted
pidInList = 2
orderBy = crdate DESC
where.data =
where.dataWrap = ((tx_myext_domain_model_item.author_ident = '{user.uid}')) AND deleted = 0 AND NOT tx_myext_domain_model_item.parent_item
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.getuserItems" data="{user.uid}" />
If your data is a single value (so not an array or object), it is available as the current
value in TypoScript. So your TypoScript should be:
lib.getuserItems = CONTENT
lib.getuserItems {
table = tx_myext_domain_model_item
select {
selectFields = crdate,image,message,uid,deleted
pidInList = 2
orderBy = crdate DESC
where.current = 1
// ensure it's an integer
where.intval = 1
where.wrap = ((tx_myext_domain_model_item.author_ident = '|')) AND deleted = 0 AND NOT tx_myext_domain_model_item.parent_item