At the moment I have a code in Node.js which calls the program "EnergyPlus". Unfortunately I have to start an external console and execute the Node.js file "manually". However, I would like to be able to press a button in the front end of my application that starts the "EnergyPlus" plus program.
Here is my Node.js file:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
child = spawn('C:\\EnergyPlusV9-0-1\\EP-Launch.exe', ["C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/hosts"]);
child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stdout: ' + data);
child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stderr: ' + data);
child.on('close', function (code) {
console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);
Is there a way to integrate this code within a button or to execute this code after clicking a button? Thank you very much in advance!
Here's how you can do this:
Code something that looks like this:
<button onclick="func()">start app</button>
const func = () => fetch('http://your.api.url/some/path');
// imports
const express = require('express');
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
// create server
const app = express();
// upon request to the launch path, launch the program
app.get('/some/path', (req, res) => {
let child = spawn(
// etc (rest of the code you wrote)
// response. You can modify this to send a custom response to your client