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Update selected values in a jsonb column containing a array

Table faults contains column recacc (jsonb) which contains an array of json objects. Each of them contains a field action. If the value for action is abc, I want to change it to cba. Changes to be applied to all rows.

    "action": "abc",
    "created": 1128154425441
    "action": "lmn",
    "created": 1228154425441
    "action": "xyz",
    "created": 1328154425441

The following doesn't work, probably because of the data being in array format

update faults 
  set recacc = jsonb_set(recacc,'{action}', to_jsonb('cbe'::TEXT),false) 
where recacc ->> 'action' = 'abc'


  • I'm not sure if this is the best option, but you may first get the elements of jsonb using jsonb_array_elements, replace it and then reconstruct the json using array_agg and array_to_json.

    UPDATE faults SET recacc = new_recacc::jsonb
     (SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(s)) as new_recacc 
       (  SELECT 
             replace(c->>'action','abc','cba') , --this to change the value
              c->>'created' FROM faults f
           cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(f.recacc)  as c
       )  as s (action,created)
    ) m;
