I am getting an api response where 50000+ products are fed back at 100 at a time. At the end of the response, there is '@odata.nextLink'. Can one automate fetching the remaining data with node using the '@odata.nextLink'?
I have tried a while loop around the request but no success.
ie. while(body['@odata.nextLink']){ request... }
Can it be done?
Try something that looks like this:
const fakeAPI = async id => (
? { id }
: { id, nextId: id+1 }
( async () => {
let allResponses = [];
let finished = false;
let id = 0;
while (!finished) {
let response = await fakeAPI(id);
finished = response.nextId===undefined;
id = response.nextId;
Using async/await is pretty cool when looping with asynchronous code.