I have a RadSplitContainer with 2 panels. On the middle i have the bar with 2 arrows that lets me collpasing the right or left panel. There is an event that let me know when this is happening :
private void splitterName_PanelCollapsing(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadSplitContainer.PanelCollapsingEventArgs e)
My question: Is there any event or technique that let me know when a panel is expanding like the one for collapsing?
You can use SplitterMoved/SplitterMoving event to check panel is collapsing or expanding. Preserve the x and y of splitter location when 'SplitterMoved/SplitterMoving' event occurs, and compare these X Y with previously stored X Y to see splitter is collapsing or expanding.
if (splitters1.Location.X > previous.Location.X)
//Do your actions