I am trying to calculate the time taken to send email message and time taken to receive email message. i am using EWS in my program , I set streaming notification to receive call back when a new mail reaches reciptent mailbox .
once received notification i bind the Itemevent with ews service , i checked the item properties DateTimeCreated, DateTimeSent, DateTimeReceived.All these properties are of DateTime object.
I checked DateTimeSent milisecond is always 0, whereas DateTimeCreated, DateTimeReceived has millisecond value.
I couldnot figure out why DateTimeSent millisecond is always 0 everytime. if i want to claulate time taken from send to receive what should i do.
DateTimeReceived - Datetimesent is the actual time taken to send and receive the message?
or what is the correct way to calculate time taken to send and receive the message?
set DateTimePrecision as Milliseconds
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password);
service.Url = new Uri(ConfigSettings.EmailConnectionUrl);
service.DateTimePrecision = DateTimePrecision.Milliseconds;