Search code examples

Response duplicated but the count shows as 1

Using Dynamoose ORM with Serverless. I have a scenario where I'm finding user information based on recommendation.

The response is as follows

    "data": {
        "results": [
                "specialTip": "Hello World",
                "recommendation": "Huli ka!",
                "poi": {
                    "uuid": "poi_555",
                    "name": "Bukit Panjang",
                    "images": [
                            "url": "",
                            "libraryUuid": "2222",
                            "uuid": "9999"
                "uuid": "i_8253578c-600d-4dfd-bd40-ce5b9bb89067",
                "headline": "Awesome",
                "dataset": "attractions",
                "insiderUUID": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
                "insiderInfo": [
                        "gender": "m",
                        "funFacts": [
                                "type": "knock knock!",
                                "answer": "Who's there?"
                        "profileImage": "newImage.jpg",
                        "shortDescription": "Samething",
                        "fullDescription": "Whatever Description",
                        "interests": [
                        "tribes": [
                        "uuid": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
                        "personalities": [
                        "travelledCities": [
                "specialTip": "Hello World",
                "recommendation": "Huli ka!",
                "poi": {
                    "uuid": "poi_555",
                    "name": "Bukit Panjang",
                    "images": [
                            "url": "",
                            "libraryUuid": "2222",
                            "uuid": "9999"
                "uuid": "i_8253578c-600d-4dfd-bd40-ce5b9bb89067",
                "headline": "Awesome",
                "dataset": "attractions",
                "insiderUUID": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
                "insiderInfo": [
                        "gender": "m",
                        "funFacts": [
                                "type": "knock knock!",
                                "answer": "Who's there?"
                        "profileImage": "newImage.jpg",
                        "shortDescription": "Samething",
                        "fullDescription": "Whatever Description",
                        "interests": [
                        "tribes": [
                        "uuid": "i_c932e85b-0aee-4462-b930-962f555b64bd",
                        "personalities": [
                        "travelledCities": [
        "count": 1
    "statusCode": 200

Not sure where I'm going wrong as the items in the response seems to be duplicated but the count is 1.

Here is the code

module.exports.index = (_event, _context, callback) => {

  Recommendation.scan().exec((_err, recommendations) => {
    if (recommendations.count == 0) {
    let results = [];
    recommendations.forEach((recommendation) => {
      Insider.query({uuid: recommendation.insiderUUID}).exec((_err, insider) => {
        if (insider.count == 0) {
        recommendation.insiderInfo = insider;
    const response = {
      data: {
        results: results,
        count: results.count
      statusCode: 200
    callback(null, response);


  • EDIT: My previous code ignored the fact that your "Insider" query is asynchronous. This new code handles that and matches your edit.

    const async = require('async'); // install async with 'npm install --save async'
    module.exports.index = (_event, _context, callback) => {
      Recommendation.scan().exec((_err, recommendations) => {
        if (_err) {
          return callback(_err);
        if (recommendations.count == 0) {
          const response = {
            data: {
              results: [],
              count: 0
            statusCode: 200
          return callback(null, response);
        let results = [];
        async.each(recommendations, (recommendation, cb) => { // We need to handle each recommendation asynchronously...
          Insider.query({uuid: recommendation.insiderUUID}).exec((_err, insider) => { // because this is asynchronous
            if (_err) {
              return callback(_err);
            if (insider.count == 0) {
              return cb(null);
            recommendation.insiderInfo = insider;
            return cb(null);
        }, (err) => { // Once all items are handled, this is called
          if (err) {
            return callback(err);
          const response = { // We prepare our response
            data: {
              results: results, // Results may be in a different order than in the initial `recommendations` array
              count: results.count
            statusCode: 200
          callback(null, response); // We call our main callback only once

    Initial (partly incorrect) answer, for reference.
    You are pushing the result of your mapping into the object that you are currently mapping and callback is called more than once here. That's a pretty good amount of unexpected behavior material.
    Try the following:

    let results = [];
    recommendations.forEach((recommendation) => {
        Insider.query({uuid: recommendation.insiderUUID}).exec((_err, insider) => {
            if (insider.count == 0) {
            recommendation.insiderInfo = insider;
    let response = {
      data: {
        results: results,
        count: results.count
      statusCode: 200
    callback(null, response);