I have implemented login using finger print authentication and it works well.
Below is the Activity that calls the authenticate method:
… //Code to initialize the fingerprint manager
FingerprintHandler fingerprintHandler = new FingerprintHandler(this);
fingerprintHandler.startAuthentication(fingerprintManagerCompat, null);
public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(FingerprintManager.AuthenticationResult result) {
updateLoginUi("Successfully verified!", true);
private void updateLoginUi(String authenticationMessage, boolean result){
After successfully verifying the fingerprint, I launch the MainActivity,
however, on pressing the back button to go back to the fingerprint activity, I am unable to use the service. What do I need to activate or trigger in order to validate the fingerprint again?
You could move
FingerprintHandler fingerprintHandler = new FingerprintHandler(this);
fingerprintHandler.startAuthentication(fingerprintManagerCompat, null);
from onCreate()
to onResume()
In this case it would start authentication everytime you go into the activity, if that is what you want.