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how to pass json format as one argument in spark submit?

 spark-submit --class com.HelloWorld \
--master yarn --deploy-mode client \
--executor-memory 5g  /home/Hadoop-Work/HelloWorld.jar \
"/home/Hadoop-Work/" \

Here arg(0) is /home/Hadoop-Work/

arg(1) is "Student_db,stud_info_table,ClassA,\"[\"{\"system\":\"stud_info_table|student_name\",\"actual\":\"stud_info_table|student_phone\",\"class_strength\":\"50\"}\"]\",DepartmentA,120"

object HelloWorld {

   def main(args: Array[String]){

    val input =args(1)
    val splited = input.split(",")
    val dbname = splited(0)
    val tablename = splited(1)
    val classname = splited(2)
    val jsonInputColumns = splited(3) // here I want json format as one argument ----> "[{system:stud_info_table|student_name,actual:stud_info_table|student_phone,class_strength:50}]"
    val departmentName = splited(4)
    val kafka_timeout_sec = splited(5)      



  • Your problem is you are splitting on the comma separator, which is also present in your json. A workaround is to use another, * not common * separator, such as ;;

    I made it work by changing your code to

      object HelloWorld {
       def main(args: Array[String]){
        val input =args(1)
        val splited = input.split(";;")
        val dbname = splited(0)
        val tablename = splited(1)
        val classname = splited(2)
        val jsonInputColumns = splited(3) // here I want json format as one argument ----> "[{system:stud_info_table|student_name,actual:stud_info_table|student_phone,class_strength:50}]"
        val departmentName = splited(4)
        val kafka_timeout_sec = splited(5)      

    and your arguments to "Student_db;;stud_info_table;;ClassA;;\"[\"{\"system\":\"stud_info_table|student_name\",\"actual\":\"stud_info_table|student_phone\",\"class_strength\":\"50\"}\"]\";;DepartmentA;;120"