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Stuck porting paperjs to react/nodejs

I'm trying to port some paperjs code into a new react application. But I ran into some limitations.

In HTML: Currently I have 2 animation files in paperjs and for each one I have an HTML file which works with

In React : The following works

 componentDidMount() {
    var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");



In React : The problem

I need to dynamically change the argument into require() based on the user choice, ...BUT

const lesson = './Lesson_1.js';

does not work as the require() function needs a literal !!

Question 1: Is there a workaround for this so I could require a lesson of my choice, since I may have many more lessons? React seems to ignore the script tags

Question 2: Since this component does not mount again when the user chooses another lesson, how do I clear the same canvas and reload a fresh lesson js file?

I have no problem, the way it works currently but porting to react is a problem. Someone suggested to be to keep running the old way and create an iframe in react to show the contents, but I was looking for a cleaner solution in react without dependencies to other programs.

Thanks for your help.


  • One possible workaround mentioned in this discussion is to use a switch statement.
    Here is a stackblitz demonstrating the solution.

    class App extends Component {
      componentDidMount() {
        const scriptToLoad = 'a';
        switch (scriptToLoad) {
          case 'a':
          case 'b':
      render() {
        return (
            <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>