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Hide Scollbar of ScrollView for Xamarin MAC platform

I want to hide the scollbar of ScollView in Xamarin.Forms I made rendere in UWP and it is working perfect and the code is

 protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<ScrollView> e)

            if (Control != null)
                ScrollView el = (ScrollView)this.Element;

                Control.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden;
                //Control.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden;
        catch (Exception ex)

But can not able to find the OnElementChanged event for MAC platform

So kindly guide me how to hide scollbar of ScollView for MAC

A single guidance can lead to me a solution. Thanks is advance


  • NSScrollView:

    scrollView.HasVerticalScroller = false;
    scrollView.HasHorizontalScroller = false;

    Note: One of the issues within Cocoa/AppKit and mixing any CoreAnimation the scroll bars tend to flash... This has been radr'd for a long time so I doubt Apple will fix it as the future will be a UIKit "replacement". So if you are not animating the NSScrollView within its owning container, you should not have any problem, otherwise creating a custom NSView control might be the only way to go (that is what I have done). And thus Xamarin.Forms 4.0 does suffers from this issue.