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Create different rooms for Google Play game Multiplayer

I want to create three different rooms as follows: Room 1: All players want to play 10 coins match Room 2: All players want to play 50 coins match Room 3: All players want to play 100 coins match

Now, if a player presses the match with 10 coins, only those players can join the room with different players (it's a 2 player match) not the all players pressed 50 coins or 100 coin match.

Please let me know how I do this as the code:

Bundle autoMatchCriteria = RoomConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(1, 1, role);

Only sends the role to other players but all players can join the room, either presses the 10, 50 or 100 coin match.


  • Here is the answer to my own question, If someone also stuck here:

    Bundle autoMatchCriteria = RoomConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(1, 1, role);

    Here 'role' represents the player role in the game, like for RPG game role maybe, Shooter, Snipper etc.

    Where, for the game variant as I want for the different game mode, set the variant type value as 'int' to the RoomConfig 'setVariant(variant)' as below:

    RoomConfig roomConfig =

    This resolved my problem and works well for different game mode.

    Now, In my game, the players playing for 10 coins match auto join for the 10 match players only.